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Has set for it the Greek little table among themselves and broad-shouldered
- Look at it properly, Lisipp!
it has shuddered. She saw for the first time the well-known sculptor who has left
- to accompany the winner of Persians. The sculptor has embraced Tais for
Shoulders also began to consider her face with impudence of the artist or the doctor.
The hetera has seen that it is not so round-shouldered, and only it seems such because of a habit
To bend forward, peering steadfastly.
- What for, the tsar? - Tais could not name the Macedonian by name, though and
Knew that to Alexander only twenty four years, all for a year are more senior it:
Familiarity was not in its character.
- Alexander wants, - was responsible for tsar Lisipp, - that I sometime
Has made your statue in an image of the tsarina of amazons. Since the childhood he dreamt to repeat
History of Teseja and Ippolity, but with affliction has learnt that horsewomen Termodonta
For a long time have disappeared, there was only a legend. However you were today true
Their successor. Look, how our hero Leontisk devours you with eyes!
it it was inclined before Alexander in the exaggerated entreaty.
- Spare, about the tsar! Three hundred years artists represent, as valorous
- soldiers are straightened with amazons, kill them, drag in a captivity.
Whether you that amazons generally even noticed the pedestrian, that in any way
To tower over men?
- What do you mean? - With curiosity has asked Lisipp.
The Olympic Games and even before. Artists everyones - well-known and not well-known:
- , Evharides, Andokides, Arhesilaj, yes unless them you will remember? And everywhere
Heroes of Tesej, Gerakl, Achilles drag for hair of unfortunate amazons, beat
Cudgels fallen to knees, stick it into a breast swords and spears. I almost
Saw drawings where amazons would be represented astride horses, as it and
It is necessary to be, it is even less - where they amaze men in fight.
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