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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: arrange icons on desktop, media icons, icon shapes, twilight icon for, ride icon

The in itself increase in volumes of trade was important as did Possible specialisation. Specialisation growth, in turn, required There is enough large markets which would allow to realise possibilities Specialised economic entities. As Adam's known saying states

Smith, "the division of labour is limited to the sizes of the markets". "The Division of labour

It is limited to the sizes of the markets "- such is the name it. 3 it. 1 compositions And.

Smith Bogatstvo of the people. in chapter 5 we will show that growth of the markets stimulated

And, in turn, it was urged on by an eminence of factory system of production.

But the factors outlined in first half of this chapter, worked on expansion The European trade some centuries prior to occurrence of factories.

Qualitative change was, to a certain extent, something absolutely return

To practice and past beliefs. In chapter 2 we have interrupted the description medieval

Trade on that the system of market pricing was absolutely It is incompatible with medieval values and consequently practised only in

Several cities which have already fallen outside the limits feudalism and represented

Itself certain cracks in system of laws of that time and norms. But what image

This contemptible exception of practice and values of the western company has reached

Ascendent position in an economic life of the West? Some reasons Are indicated in the second part of this chapter.

In the end of the head we consider, as was reflected in position of the feudal

Masters and other classes of feudal company lifting of a class of dealers, and

Also we discuss arisen in generalisation of this process the theory that the historical

The science as a whole is the story how one ruling class supersedes Other.

Expansion of the markets: geographical opening

What has served as the reason of expansion of the markets? The most frequent answer is that: the reason

Expansions of the markets - resulted great geographical opening The European trade with the overseas countries. Vasco da Gama wonderfully

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