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As communication between the ships was carried out by means of the laser beams which length was known to within one centimetre, their arrangement was ideally suited for every possible scientific researches.

In space, caused by facing black holes, - achievement of space engineering of supercivilizations (and who knows that else) - it was possible to register time pulsations by means of set of devices onboard "Goliath" and "Oat-flakes". And intakes onboard both ships at the moment of communication formed a huge radio telescope more than billion kilometres in diameter that has allowed to make a card of the remote areas of the Universe with unprecedented accuracy.

Researchers onboard Trojan Twins did not neglect as well the nearest environment on distance only millions kilometres. They have conducted supervision over hundreds the asteroids which have got this huge gravitational trap, and have made short excursions to many of the nearest. In total for some years about structure of these small heavenly bodies it became known more than for three hundred years from the moment of their opening.

Rather poor events the order, a variety in which were introduced only by change of staff and regular flights with Dejmos for check and equipment modernisation, acted throughout more than thirty years and very few people already remembered for what originally intended "Goliath" and "Oat-flakes". Only their crews occasionally recollected that they bear a guard duty like patrol which protected walls of Troy blown by winds three thousand years ago. But they waited for the enemy whom the Homere could not to itself and present.

Chapter 22

The got order

Though a present post of captain Singh here, on identical distance from the Sun and Jupiter, also considered as the appointment for the single in all Solar system, he seldom felt lonely. It quite often compared the position to a situation in which there were great seafarers of the past, such, as Cook and unfairly slandered Blaj. They months, and even for years were in a complete separation from native places and the relatives and have been compelled to live in the overflowed dirty premises in the close neighbourhood with a handful of officers and crowd uneducated and frequently rebellious sailors. Even if to reject aside such objective dangers as a storm, the latent banks, piracy attacks and animosities of natives, a ship life during old time, should be, very much reminded a hell.

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Standard Business Icons Standard Business Icons is a library of fine-looking royalty-free icons for use in applications and on web pages. Icons are presented in such categories as Transport, Money, Finances, Business and Reports.

Business Icon Set Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.

Multimedia Icons for Vista Refine your multimedia product for High Definition screens with pre-made Multimedia Icons for Vista. This collection will cut down your project costs and speed up development.

Business Icons for Vista Business Icons for Vista is a pre-made design solution, which is well suited for a variety of financial websites and applications. This set comes in all standard sizes in 256 and 32-bit color.

Medical Icons for Vista Medical Icons for Vista has been design to avoid any misconceptions appearing while viewing a medical Web site or using a medical program. The images are provided in various sizes and formats.