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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: cookie monster icons, janto icons, xp recycle bin icons, x icon, icon of the day

"We after all did not meet before, right?"

"I here never happened before. Me here have resulted", - Tritt has answered.

Both of them perfectly knew that has occurred: their meeting have arranged purposely.

Someone (it, thought Un then, but later he has understood that it was one of

Rigid) has decided that they will approach one another - and was not mistaken.

The intellectual affinity between them, of course, was not. And whence? After all Un aspired to study, aspired to comprehend maximal new - It was for it the main thing and, short of a triad, the only thing that Took all its thoughts. It at all did not understand that means

To "study". Everything that Tritt knew, he knew from within, and could not to it

To learn, to forget.

Those first days Un, with ecstasy absorbing data on their world, about it

The sun, about history and the life system, about all "about", what only Existed in the Universe, did not maintain and started to tell about them

it listened serenely, obviously understanding nothing, but it was pleasant to it

To listen, and Unu was pleasant to state the knowledge, at least and for nothing.

But Tritt, being subject to requirement mortgaged in it,

Midday when after a short dinner it was accepted was to inform Trittu

Data which has learnt for a morning. (Their more dense substance absorbed food

So it is fast that it was enough simple to them to walk on the sun, whereas

As if purposely trying to drag out this process.)

Was nobody, but Tritt whom before only silently looked at them, Now has suddenly lost usual coolness.

Unexpectedly it has come nearer to Unu almost closely and has thrown out

Filling in emptiness there where the top layer of a cover of Una has been rarefied. It with

By displeasure it was discharged. These childish sports were more low its dignities.

"It is not necessary, Tritt", - he has told is angry.

"But why?"

it it was condensed, as could, trying to make a cover absolutely rigid.

"I do not want".

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