NH3 Molecule Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: icon in web address, make icon photoshop, icon 7, nsm icon jukebox, change icon picture
- Even I. The first rule states that the quantity of people should be It is great enough to make statistical processing authentic. But What means "is great enough"?
- By last estimation, - Pilorat, - the Galaxy population has told
I think, it is enough of it.
- Whence you know?
- Because the psychohistory acts, Golan. Irrespective of yours
Logicians, it acts.
- According to the second rule, - continued Treviz, - people do not know about
Psychostories, therefore the knowledge does not influence their acts... But they KNOW about
- Only about its existence, olden time, and it is not counted. The second rule
States that they do not know about psychohistory PREDICTIONS, and that they not...
However, people of the Second Basis are presumably informed on it, but
They - a case special.
- And on these two axioms the psychohistory science is developed. In it
It is difficult to believe.
- Not only on these two axioms, - Pilorat has told. - Is still
The developed mathematical and statistical methods. The history states that Hari
- has invented psychohistory, modelling on the kinetic theory of gases.
Each atom or gas molecule it it is casual, so that we cannot know
Position or speed of any of them. Nevertheless, using statistics,
We can develop rules, with a split-hair accuracy defining them
Behaviour. In the same way Seldon wished to develop behaviour rules
Human companies though this decision was inapplicable to behaviour
Separate persons.
- Probably, after all people - not atoms.
- Truly, - Pilorat has told. - People have consciousness, and their behaviour
Considerably becomes complicated free will display. As Seldon has coped
It, I have no concept, and is assured that I can not understand it, even if
Someone will want to explain to me.
- And all it, - has told Treviz, - depends on people, which and
Are numerous also know nothing. Whether it seems to you unsteady this base,
Upon which the huge mathematical structure is based? If these axioms
Are incorrect, all will collapse.
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Medical Icons for Vista has been design to avoid any misconceptions arising while viewing a medical Web site or using a medical program. The images are available in numerous sizes and formats.
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