Hospital Icon
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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: desktop icon text black, windows xp computer icons, black osx icons, system tray icon hider, xp style icon
13.3. The personnel
Ideal firm it firm without the personnel
In no event your employees should not know real profit of your enterprise. This first and main condition. The personnel should know nothing about size of the trading margin and organisation turns. No means always their indicators can be hidden from employees, especially from accounts department. Therefore try not to discuss once again these figures, do not consult on subordinates about distribution of the received profit and do not ask, whether your trading margin is great. The personnel will always advise to you how to spend profit of your business. It is always amusing to me to look, how the director consults on subordinates what to do with its money, or discusses with them the finance of the enterprise. For some reason in a life we so do not arrive, we do not consult on neighbours, on what to spend own money. And at job it happens often enough. It seems to me, it occurs with feeling of false fault before employees. You as though before them justify that they work for the salary, and you get all profit. Get rid of this bad habit. You should nothing to them. Pay in the employee the worthy salary, awards, holiday, established by decree, hospital, and all. The rest by right yours. Who does not agree with such order of distribution of incomes, let will organise own business.
Being the proprietor, you are obliged to understand that profit on accounting balance and profit actual can differ. It can concern not only "grey" schemes of job when you have sent money in firm - "baby's dummy", have received cash and have taken away them to itself, without having paid taxes (so-called it). The official profit in this case is absent. It can concern and "white" accounts department. After all if you have bought at the expense of the organisation the TV to yourselves home, at you an official car and you do not use the (that correctly), you have gone with a family on an accounting seminar to Sochi or to Antalia the real profit was. Simply you have carried this all on expenses and have paid less taxes. And have actually spent for itself and the family your money, i.e. Own profit.
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