Gloved Hand Icon
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And the extremely plentiful sphere of business: production of monopolies [George A. Stigler,
"Monopoly and Oligopoly by Merger", chap. 8 in The Organisation of Industry
(Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Invin, 1968), pp. 102 - 103].
If consequences of economic action were defined by motives and
Intentions, or even hopes of characters, for two last
Decades of a XIX-th century the American process industry quite could
To turn to a kingdom of industrial monopolies. But, as usually also happens,
Final consequences had not something in common with any intentions. [Thomas
Schelling has largely removed a cover of mystery from that fact that
Collective consequences of actions of separate people frequently rather differ
Both from intentions of these people, and from consequences for them. See: Thomas
Schelling, Micromotives and Macrobehavior (New York: W. W. Norton and Company,
1978). "The invisible hand" is familiar aspect of the same problem.] Merged
The companies seldom could save the share of the market [Yale Brozen, Concentration,
Mergers and Public Policy (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1982), pp.
214 - 218]. Sometimes they could not save growth rates, characteristic for them
Branches, and at times it it was necessary to comprehend that it is impossible to save the share
The market at attempts to supervise the price. [The commanding the market firm can
To supervise the prices, reducing own production. To save the
Share on an advancing market, it is necessary to expand production, on the contrary.] by words
- , "... With the course of time a market share of the companies which have arisen in
Result of merges, almost everywhere essentially decreased "[in the same place, with. 102].
Except reduction of their share in the market trusts had also other problems. Even the such
Exemplary trust as "Standard Ojl", extracted profits mainly for the account
Cost-savings and appointments of the same prices, as at competitors [F. M. Sherer,
Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance, 2d ed. (Chicago: Rand
McNally, 1980), pp. 336 - 337] - and to trusts which could not reduce the
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