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After opening of Eritro favorable news followed one other. Behind system Megas orbit - Eritro has been found out a significant belt of asteroids. It was clear to each that asteroids - an ideal source of materials for building of new settlements. As approaching Eritro its suitability for a life became more and more obvious. On Eritro the seas and continents have been found out. However, judging by preliminary results of studying of a cloud layer in visible and infra-red ranges, the seas on Eritro were smaller, than terrestrial ocean. Furthermore on Eritro there were very few present mountains. It has executed weight of accounts and assured that as a whole the climate of Eritro is quite suitable for the person.

At last there was possible an exact spectroscopic definition of structure of its atmosphere. It has informed result to Pitt:

- Atmosphere on Eritro is hardly more dense the terrestrial. It contains sixteen percent of free oxygen and five argon; the rest - nitrogen. Probably, there is present a little it carbon, but we yet have not found out it. The main thing, in this atmosphere the person can breathe.

- Day by day all is better and better than news, - Pitt has reacted. - who could assume such when you have found out for the first time Nemezidu?

- Better and better for biologists, and as a whole for the Rotor this data can be not so favorable. Appreciable quantity of oxygen in atmosphere - the direct proof of availability of a life.

- Lives? - This thought has stunned Pitt.

- Yes, lives, - Judzhinija has confirmed. It seemed, it even is given by pleasure to underline all unpredictable possibilities of a latest discovery. - and it is possible, a reasonable life. It is not excluded, as an advanced civilisation.

- Whether free atmospheric oxygen without sharing of live organisms can be formed?

- No, Dzhejnus. It follows from thermodynamics laws. On a planet similar to the Earth - and Eritro on, to our data, is very similar to the Earth, - oxygen cannot exist in a free kind. Probability here not big, than free soaring of a rock in a gravitational field of the Earth. If oxygen also appears in atmosphere some other way will necessarily enter interaction with various components of a ground; energy will thus be liberated. Long existence of oxygen in atmosphere is possible only in the event that on a planet constantly there is any process which serves as an energy source and supplies oxygen regeneration.

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