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Ludwig a background of Mizes BUREAUCRACY THE PLANNED CHAOS ANTICAPITALIST MENTALITY With "Katalaksija", 1993 The scientific editor R.Levita Boris Pinskera's general editing E.Zhuravskoj, B.Pinskera, V.Rodionova's translation from English Proof-reader T.I.Aleynikov It is handed over in a set 10.01.93. 09.03.93 are sent for the press
Paper Russian-speaking edition it: "Business" with the assistance of publishing house "Catallaxy", 1993
-- WITH. 240.
The book text is prepared for the edition by company "Catallaxy"
ISBN 5 - 85900 - 061 - 8
it 65.02
M 57
Not only works, but also a name of the outstanding economist and the sociologist of the XX-th century
Ludwig a background of Mizesa (1889 - 1972) it is almost not known in our country. It
Works appeared in many languages of the world, but only not in Russian, for
- always was the irreconcilable fighter with totalitarianism. To attention of readers
The publication of this scientist first in Russia is represented.
From the various parties are considered political, spiritual and economic
Preconditions of such antisocial movements, as a socialism and nazism,
Free companies threatening to the existence in our century.
About LUDWIG background it, HIS LIFE And WORKS
The preface - an artful genre
+ Introduction
+ Offensive sense of the term "bureaucracy"
+ The charges presented bureaucracy by the citizen
+ Bureaucratism and totalitarianism
+ Alternative: management for the sake of profit or bureaucracy
+ Management for the sake of profit
+ Market mechanism action
+ Value of engineering
+ Management in the system focused on profit taking
+ Personnel administration at a work open market
+ Bureaucracy
+ Bureaucracy at despotic board
+ Bureaucracy in democratic system
+ The basic lines of bureaucracy
+ Bureaucracy essence
+ Bureaucracy by shots
+ Bureaucracy by government facilities
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