Tablet Icon
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it has as though fallen asleep. Only its hand has grasped an easy transparent ornament,
Lying on a dining table, and its spit. At last, he has told:
- So could be, it-it Bailey. Correctly that after I have offered it
- is was not the present gift - I was afraid less that it
Will offer me itself.
- You know, whether Gledis Dzhanderom for the sexual purposes used?
- And you asked it about it?
- It does not concern my question. It knew? Whether there were you the witness
Any sexual actions between them? Somebody from your robots
Informed you on the such? She spoke to you?
- To all questions I will respond - is not present. I have ceased to think of it, because in it
There is nothing unusual. However, ordinary robots are not so adapted for
Sex, but people are in this respect inventive. As to Dzhandera, it
So it is humanoid, as we could make it...
- So it could be the partner in sex.
- No, it did not come to to us mind. There was an abstract problem to design
Completely the humanoid robot, and we with the late Dr. Sartonom have executed
- But after all such robots are ideally suited for sex, whether not so?
- I believed - when have dared to think of it is what yes, and I suppose that
Such secret even for me the thought was at me from the very beginning - that Gledis
Can fine use Dzhanderom in this respect. If it so, I
I hope that it has taken pleasure, and would consider that has made for it kind
- Whether there could be this business kinder, than you assumed?
- In what sense?
- What will you tell, if I inform you, what Dzhander and Gledis were the husband and the wife?
The hand of Fastalfa holding an ornament, was convulsively compressed, and then has let out
- What? Same it is ridiculous. It under the law is impossible. Children cannot be means,
It is impossible and ask on them the permission. And without such request there can not be a marriage.
The point of view. Business in emotions. It to me has told that considered Dzhandera
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