Secretary Icon
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And on other end of a city, where in more house To conditions, Hobera Mellou had one more meeting. It Listened long and attentively, and then has cautiously told:
- Yes, I heard about your companies to achieve
The trade mission in Council. But why I,
Dzhejm Tver who always spoke to a place and not to
To place, asked it or not that it was in the first
To group of the aliens who have got education on the Basis -
- , has responded a deep voice:
- I know that I do. You remember, when we with you
Have met for the first time?
- On the convention of dealers.
- Precisely. You were the chairman. You have not left from
These pigheads of a stone on a stone, you have shut them mouths of times and
For ever. And you too are popular in the people of the Basis. At
You there is a charm or, at least, firm turnip -
- the person liking adventures that one and too.
- Fine, - has responded Mellou. - But why
- Because now the case is given to us.
Whether you know that the Minister of Education has submitted in having lagged behind -
- ? It for the present is not declared it officially, but
- Whence you know it?
- From... Not very well.
It has discontentedly given up as a bad job.
- It is exact. Action party gradually razvaliva -
- . We can slam it right now, if vyd -
- a question on the equal rights for dealers, or beliefs -
It, about democracy.
it has leant back in an armchair and has stared at the
Fat fingers.
- Clearly. But it is very a pity to me, Tver. I leave on de -
Llamas next week. You should find whom-
Be another.
it has stared at it.
- On affairs? To what else affairs?
- The superconfidential. The state secret and so on
The other. Spoke today with own secretary of the mayor.
- Snake Sattom? - Has heatedly asked Dzhejm Tver, -
Trap. This fox simply wishes from you to get rid.
Listen, Mellou...
- Stop!
The hand of Mellou has fallen to the clenched fists of the interlocutor.
- Be not boiled. If it is a trap, I after all will return
Sometime back for calculation. And if is not present, yours
The snake, Satt, plays into the hands of us only. Listen,
There comes the next Seldonsky crisis.
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