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Tags: image of aiswarya, imagecache images, image valign, image puzzle maker, staircase images
Absolutely, but this imperfection is insignificant in comparison with an event in
To the Soviet system because there capital placing depends exclusively from
The purposes and government decisions, instead of from consumer preferences.
Judgements and calculations of schedulers that is really necessary for a society,
Can be better or worse, than judgements of consumers, but the system is created
For an embodiment of judgements of schedulers. These judgements are embodied in the planned
Indicators of a volume of output. Performance or an overfulfillment of the planned
Tasks there is an overall objective of the Soviet managers, on it depend them
The bonus. The capital is invested so that to make possible performance
Planned targets. If planned targets can be executed only at a loss
Or with small profit, in the budget this low level of profitableness is put
Or losses and on these indicators job of managers is estimated. Such
In the image, the enterprise is separated by two barriers from influence of consumers:
First, it should sell the production under the fixed prices, not
Depending on demand fluctuations; secondly, a direction and a volume of output not
Depend on the profit received at sale of production to consumers.
In market economies level of profitableness of various kinds of production aspires
Rise. The Soviet system does not use an alignment principle
Profitableness as criterion of planning, as such criterion
Would limit freedom of planned bodies to define structure and volumes of output
Also would make consumer preferences the planning factor.
It is necessary to note by the way one of consequences of such order. Standing in turns
Became the basic employment of the Russian consumers - mainly because
Manufacture is not focused on satisfaction of consumer requirements,
But also and consequently that rise in prices for the scarce goods for an equilibration
Supply and demand, even in spite of the fact that the gain of incomes would get
To the state, it is considered ideologically unacceptable. Turns represent
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