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Medical Icons for Vista
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 Medical Icons for Vista

Green Cross with Shadow Icon Images

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Green Cross with Shadow icon
Green Cross with Shadow Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: microsoft digital image 2006 suite edition, dl images, mataji image, pilgrimages usa, icons are green

- Do not pay attention, Leopold. It is not necessary to me so Strictly to talk to you. Sometimes simply difficultly To be kept and talk in the necessary tone, when soby - - press, as... You understand?

If its speech flew with calm, eyes ostava - - same rigid, as before.

Leopold has uncertainly told:

- I understand. State affairs - they very much work -

Whether he has thought not bravely will force it now To listen to tiresome senseless details about annual tor - - with quiet or about recently populated worlds It is red - - the Corridor.

it continued:

- My boy, I wished to talk to you about it Earlier, and, probably, me and followed make, but I I know that such young spirit is impatient to boring affairs Governments.

Leopold has nodded.

- It's nothing, the uncle, that's all right...

it him has interrupted and has continued:

- However in two months you will become sovershennolet - It. Moreover, in those hard times, which now Come, you should take active part in State affairs. You will become the king, Leopold!

And again he has nodded, but on his face of nothing It was reflected.

- There will be a war, Leopold!

- War! But after all at us the peace treaty with quiet...

- Not with quiet... With the Basis.

- But, the uncle, they have agreed to repair this Cruiser. You have told...

Its voice has gradually calmed down, when he has seen prezri - - the bulged lower lip of the uncle.

- Leopold, - has told that any more so friendly, as Earlier, - we should talk to you as the man with The man. The cruiser will be repaired or will not be, War with the Basis is inevitable and, by the way, it will be sko - To yard, than it will be repaired. The basis - a source The power and power. All greatness of Anakreona, weigh it Fleet, its cities, its people and its trade depend from That power which was unwillingly given to our by the Grounds... I I remember time... Yes, I remember, when the cities of Anakreona that Were drunk by ovens - coal and oil, but it is all not very well. You all the same will not understand.

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