Check Tooth Icon
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Tags: plantain image, hvx200 image, text beside image code, pro image photography, piv image
From the beginning it was it was stuck into a door with an inscription "Komna -
That the sun ", but it has appeared a usual premise with
Artificial radiating illumination. It remained in
Her of all for some minutes, and then has returned to heads -
- a hall of Ljuksora.
- Tell, where I can buy the ticket for the space
Round? - He has asked the manager.
- Here.
- And when it begins?
- It has already begun, you were late for some minutes.
But the following round tomorrow. You can buy the ticket directly
Here, we will reserve for you a place.
- Clearly.
Tomorrow will be already late. Since the morning it is necessary for it
Will go to university.
- Tell, you do not have here something like nablju -
Dative point? - Has asked Gaal, - I have in view of on
Open air.
- Well certainly is! If want, I can sell to you
The ticket and there. Only it is better to check up at first, does not go
Whether a rain.
It has moved any it near to the lok -
That also has looked at the matte screen on which slide -
Whether figures. It has looked after it.
- Good weather, - the manager, - has told Now
I, apparently, have recollected - at us now summer. I not
Very much I like to come to light, - and he has added doveri -
- : - Last time I left about three years ago. One
Time you will look and at once all becomes clear... Here yours
The ticket. The special lift near to a hotel rear entrance. On
Him it is written: "Tower". Have a seat in it and all will be in
The lift was a novelty: it rose, using otritsa -
Went the first, other tourists have followed it.
The lift attendant has pressed the button. For a second when has come
Weightlessness, Gaalu seemed that it again in space.
But the lift typed acceleration and weight has gradually appeared
Again. However, for a short while. After sharp, though and not -
Sensitive braking, his foot have come off from on -
- , and he has involuntarily screamed.
- Thrust feet under it on a floor, - has grumbled a bodice -
Rubbed, - you that, be not able to read?
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