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Bailey has suddenly lowered the weapon and has promptly departed away, in
Emptiness. It iks-commands have physically felt all proceeding from it
Confusion and horror wave.
And Pallister was suddenly developed and has some times shot in
The nearest to it iks-komovtsa - in Vitaly Samusenko. Laser impulses
"Shell" kept perfectly, but Samusenko has preferred more fast
To be cleaned for a sharp top of the nearest pyramid.
- it under the control! - has sounded in a helmet at each
The field investigator.
On the Earth, in the command centre, the dead silence was established. All
Have stood, with bated breath and having fixed by sights in screens.
Commander Alan Pallister, from the first eight, was at war now for
Strangers. And Big Dik Bailey has received such blow on mentality that
Has given in to a panic and has dropped out of fight.
Nik Zavadski has understood that now all depends on its speed. Therefore
That Alan Pallister - is more skilled the majority of earth dwellers. Unless Olaecha,
Feast, Dorigo yes Nik Zavadski can compete with it. If not to bring down
The control, some persons will have time to kill Pallister simply.
And Nik has squeezed out from it everything, on what that was capable. Fifty
Metres to an input in a pyramid where hid sektoidy-psioniki, it
Has overcome for some seconds. It is good still that transhipments here
Were transferred joking - all the same third of a normal gravity...
The sluice has swung open. It it was arranged on a course, moving apart
Dense crimson twilight reigning in a pyramid. And and the first
it the psychoamplifier on a stranger has directed and has coolly thrown on
Its reason a strong loop of the control. And during the following instant of Zavadski already
Looked at the world eyes it. It was familiar for a long time sensation:
Sight from a low point, a bit different focusing and part fixing
Thermal spectrum. It was the patrimonial leader,
The expert-psionikom, but a class below present Zavadsky...
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