Robot with Shadow Icon
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Axes were cast out also by some impulses. Hardly he has moved, to the Rhubarb has fallen on
Roadside of road also it was pressed by the person in dusty asphalt. Disk shots have passed
- Only shit! - Zavadski was abused and accepted to scorch from a belt. It
Too has few times got, but the robot reservation maintained shots from
- , and the system of orientation also did not think to go mad. A disk again
Has moved, but Zavadski too has lain down, and the disk has not got it.
Ivasaki left all while Bailey recharged it,
Has easy aimed and has thrust three shots successively precisely at the bluish
The strip dividing a disk on the top and bottom halves, there, whence
Killing greenish impulses of a plasma gun were pulled out. A disk
Suddenly has hard failed on the earth, at once having darkened, and it is then deafening
Has blown up, having splashed out in a lane the whole cloud of a fat black smoke.
it did not begin to break a supermarket door, transparent
Plastic did not inspire it trust. From within it was possible to shoot any,
Who would try to enter. And here someone already shot: in a wall were seen
The burnt holes. And it was obviously plasma weapon it.
- has sat down before a hole and has cautiously looked inside. Two corpses
Lay in the middle of a hall, at a number of cash registers; the scared guy of years
Seventeen has hidden in the corner between a low show-window and a lateral wall, and at
Doors directly opposite to Pallistera stood it with a pistol in a hand.
Falling to jump in a gloomy hall of a supermarket. It still fell, when
Agonal shout it has sounded. The guy from a crack has looked on
In the meantime, Olaecha has rushed into a door a whirlwind. Knocking down kicks
Low cardboard boxes, it has flown on a hall and gauging at the lateral
- Children, robots-disks need to be beaten in a strip in the middle, -
Mechanical sounding from ear-phones in a helmet of each of
iks-komovtsev, appear, was the present voice of Ivasaki.
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