Monitor Icon
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Tags: ultimas imagenes de marte, image 9135, wintz digital image, image functor, top image editing
- Heart will not start to fight, - Ouens has told. - It not...
Both shutters of the valve have relaxed, fiber support have departed,
And their intense rhizomes were wrinkled and have drooped.
The aperture extended, blood flowed and overtook them, was distributed
Mighty systole "bar-rumm".
The down-pour wave has picked up "Proterus" and has rushed forth it
With terrific speed.
Chapter 11. A capillary.
The first blow of heart has dispelled charms in a control tower.
Carter has lifted both hands upwards and has shaken by them in a mute spell,
Turned to god:
- Make it, devil take it! Help all of us to overcome!
Spot-check has nodded.
- You have won this time, the general. At me would not suffice
Spirit to order to pass through heart.
Carter's eyes were poured by blood.
- I did not have not enough spirit not to give such order.
Now, if they manage to stand in an arterial stream...
Its voice has sounded in a loudspeaker:
- Contact "Proterusom" when their speed will decrease.
- They again in arterial system, - Spot-check has told, - but,
As you know, they do not go to a brain. Initial
The input has been made in somatic system of blood circulation, in one
From the main arteries conducting from left it to a brain.
The pulmonary artery conducts from right it to a lung.
- It means a delay. I know it, - Carter has told. - but
We still have time.
It has shown on it to time on which there was a figure
- Well, but then it is better to us to switch the maximum
Attention to respiratory group.
Oit has made necessary switchings, and on the monitor screen
- What frequency of breath? - Has asked Spot-check.
- Has returned to six in a minute, the colonel. I did not think that
We will manage to make it again.
- We too did not think. Support its constant. To you
It is necessary to take care of the ship. It just about will be in yours
- The message from "Proterusa", - other voice has sounded. -
"Very well". And, the sir? More than you would like to hear it?
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