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It is possible to explain riches of the West as a consequence of extreme luck: four
Beneficial revolutions for five centuries. In the same way it is possible to explain disintegration
Feudal society extreme bad luck: too many plague epidemics, wars and
Poor harvests was in XIV century. But if the lightning strikes in same four times
The place, pertinently to take an interest that here so steadily it involves.
In any sense luck - quite reasonable explanation, as we not
We know about any wise man who would invent economic institutes of the West.
They - the history product, not planned result of the actions undertaken for
Achievements of absolutely other purposes. They already have been quite developed by then,
When Adam Smith has started them to investigate. We and not quite understand them till now.
The riches of the West are result of good luck in the same sense in what it is possible to explain
Lucky coincidence results of biological evolution, but thus are
Sense to study these processes, their results and interrelations between them.
5. Bad behaviour
In the political literature has had development and other group of explanations.
The economic riches of the West were attributed to various forms of the bad
Behaviour which was reprehensible, if not by criteria of the time,
That for certain by modern criteria. In fault to the West put more often:
Growth of an inequality of incomes and riches, operation of workers, colonialism,
Imperialism and slavery. These explanations were very useful, as encouraged
Charity, forced down the western arrogance and served as arguments in advantage
The social legislation. But it is better not to speak about their adequacy in
Explanation of economic growth of the West.
6. An inequality of incomes and riches.
Representation that an inequality of incomes and riches is very popular
Unfairly, but it is necessary for economic system of the West. Some
Critics of an inequality assert that the income and riches are created by all
Society, and it should distribute them among the members in regular intervals, so
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