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- With Nearhom?
- it will live about the ships, coming here.
- Then lodge at me. It is enough place.
- it, it, the best of what I could think, - to find you and to live with
You!. I while do not have also urban servant.
- Will be. At me they too not Babylon, and from apart.
- This is very interesting, black. What is her name?
- it.
- Terrible name: the goddess of contention from the dark world.
- At them at all such names. It after all the former priestess, as well as you, only
Fallen, instead of captivated. Served much more terrible Mother of Gods. I
I will tell to you about it then, at first I should learn about your swimming.
- Well. You know, at Eris strange eyes.
- And, you have noticed!
- It seemed to me that in it all female depth, dark, as in
Mythical antiquity, and at the same time greedy to new and fine.
- But it is enough about the slave, tell about itself.
The narration of Gesiony was not tightened. All was where easier, than at Tais.
In the beginning it accompanied Nearhu to headwaters of Euphrates where were
Preparations of wood for the ships are hastily arranged. Then they have gone round a little
Cities of Syria where it was possible to find stocks of the dry, sustained tree.
Uncountable transports brought a tree to "imperial road", and then on its river
Alloyed to the bottom crossing through Euphrates. There Nearh suited shipyards for
Fighting courts.
- To think only! I floated by them at night, - Tais has exclaimed, -
Also has not thought of you!
- And I also was not there. After to conduct about a great victory of Nearh has floated
Downwards, and we with it have visited at the merge of both rivers, there, where bogs
Occupy enormous space. There, probably, it is necessary to go once again, and
This very bad place...
- Who has directed you here, in Lugalgiru?
- Your hero - it Leontisk. As it is enamoured in you, darling Tais!
- I know and cannot answer it with the same. But he agrees all, if only
To be about me.
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