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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Tags: cylinder image, mistika images, explicit image, mirror image backup, arles image web creator

Trade developments, tested the severe need in protection of the trading Riches from feudal knights also is better has been prepared for that, To pay new technology of military science. Here and there in the separate Battles the decline of fighting power of feudalism affected. Swiss it under - in 1387 have inflicted defeat over the German knights, and English - during Centenary war have confirmed the superiority over the French

Knights under Kresi (1346) and Aginkure (1415). But in Italy in the end of XIV

Centuries of a city have created the professional armies, which steels a prototype of the new

Systems of the organisation of armed forces.

To the north, in France Centenary war with England became a push to changes. In

The beginning of this war, in XIV century a basis of military power of the French kings

The feudal home guard serving according to the obligations was. In a course

Wars have occurred hardly distinguishable changes in balance of military power between

Several types of divisions of infantry and the cavalry, armed Fire-arms. By the end of XV century France, as well as other national The states, completed the armies with professional soldiers, instead of for

The bill of a feudal home guard. Pursuit of Power, from wide discontent of the nobility, kings of France still leant mainly On the knightly. A home guard... ". And also:" By then, expansion of trading base

Has allowed kings to raise money for the maintenance all growing armed forces.

It was that army which after a number of successful campaigns in 1453 has turned out

Englishmen from France... Resulted it between 1450, could

To contain professional army number approximately in 25 thousand persons "(pp.

82 - 83)., The French kingdom has been centralised more than ever before, McNeill, when the French

The monarchy has started to recover from the monstrous demoralisation called first

Victories of Englishmen, 1478 years and p. 81: "when has begun

Centenary war (1337 - 1453) Military service of knights and seigneurs, in an exchange for which they received

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Download Large Icons for Vista

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