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Tags: treaty of paris images, image rakuten co, psf image format, small close icon, image illumination
Their people forbid, there the child-bearing is painful also posterity more poorly.
The great sculptor has finished speech and the rough delight has receded happy, and
The pupils listening with bated breath, has expressed a consensus.
it has passed from the place and has risen between Tais and Eris.
- Nobody could tell more clearly and wisely, than you. I will add only
Example, to me antagonistic. Look, before you two fine wives
Very different people. Great Lisipp has shown at once to us, how much they
Are similar, created by gods on one canon. But he has forgotten about very important line
Than at model of Agesandra. At its Aphrodite, despite a maturity of a body, a breast
- , as in a youth, and at the same time their metric centres on
To smaller measure on the whole dactyl are lowered more low, than at Tais and Eris. It not
The error of the master, and only blind following of model - at Syrians are frequent the such
- You are right, Kleofrad, I is worse you have remembered creation of Agesandra, and I
It agree with you, - Lisipp has answered.
Both great sculptor Ellady, and remained unknown the master of the few
Sculptures of women if could begin to see clearly the future, would be afflicted where
More strongly, having learnt that millenia later wrong treatment Agesandrom
Female body it will be accepted by artists of the future for a true canon
- You too wish to add something, Leptines? - Has asked Lisipp.
The Efessky sculptor has stretched a hand, calling for silence.
- You also have told nothing about the back party of a body.
- There there are no features in comparison with Agesandrom, that is with a statue,
Cleared dispute between us, - Lisipp has frowned.
- No, the great master, is! And you have told about lowered and flat
Without daring to concern its bodies.
- Yes, certainly! The same reason - development of the dancing muscles curving
Body back and forth. Their greatest camber is moved above and more strongly
Acts, forming sharp rotundity. A Milossky statue it in the top
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