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Client List Icon Images

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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: www franks icons com, jaiku icon, icons smiley, hockey buddy icons, make big icons

The extrovert: The introvert: Clients-introverts - The main thing — do not interfere in «personal space» buyer. - Remember that the requirement of the client for silence is more important than your requirement to talk. - Know that silence of the client in a combination to interest can instal confidence in the seller. - Remember: in spite of the fact that silence can arrange as you, and the buyer, to you can be demanded to take the initiative on itself. - Do not consider, as if silence will give in itself something: take an interest that at the client on mind. - Think, you would expect what actions from the seller, and then operate so.

it: The intuitionalist: Clients-sensoriki - Remind itself that your client himself knows that represents the given goods. - Be ready to conversation on practical aspects of a product. - Remember: probability of that your client has already familiarised with the facts and data concerning the given goods, is rather high. - Do not overdo with it. - Be going to tell to the client three facts or goods characteristics. - Remember that platitudes in your story only will annoy and will confuse the buyer.

it: The intuitionalist: Clients-intuitionalists - Remember that the excessive quantity of the facts will bring down the client from sense. - Be going to tell to the client at least about three most general aspects of potential of your goods. - Remember that the client wishes to test excitement and enthusiasm from the purchase. - Be prepared for the story about that, and practical acquisition of your client will be how much useful. - Remember that client choice variants, than finding-out of possibilities or properties of one concrete product can interest much more. - Watch that in your story there were very few branches: concentrate on the main thing.

The logician: it: Clients-logicians - Avoid disputes with the client concerning merits and demerits of a product. - Remember that to accompany vanity of the client it is never harmful. - Remember: to establish the warm, friendly connexion with the client — quite logical business: so you facilitate dialogue with it at this and at following purchases. - Remember that your buyer will make purchase when feels confidently enough. - Admit that fact who refusal of your product (or consignments of goods) at all does not mean aversion you most. - Tell to the client about why the given product is a logical choice.

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