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African Man Icon Images

African Man Icon

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African Man icon
African Man Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: smilely face icon, badassbuddies icons, contact list icon, devian art icon, jonas brothers icon

To my father. It to you not the assistant. He will not betray the father.

- And you, so, can?

it has grown dark and has obstinately murmured:

- I - it.

it has cleared the throat.

- Give ive I you once more I will ask: than you are going to help me, The young man?

- I can tell to you something, but I am afraid, you will not believe.

- Here is how? If not I will believe, so to you at once and I will tell.

- About our prime minister Edo Demerzelja.

- Well?

it has licked lips, has scaredly looked round on the parties:

- Nobody will hear me?

- Anybody, except me and Namarti.

- And so, listen. This Demerzel - it any not the person. It - The robot.

- What?! - Dzhoranum has roared.

it has decided that it is necessary to explain.

- The robot, the sir, these the mechanical person. Artificial, artificial.

The car, understand?

it has furiously interfered:

- Joe-Joe, do not trust this nonsense! It is silly.

However Dzhoranum has in a warning way raised a hand. Its eyes sparkled.

- Whence it is known to you?

- The father has once visited Mikogene. Here he to me also has told that in

- stir about robots much.

- Yes, I know. That is, at least, heard.

- Well here, and it, they believe that once very long time ago at them Ancestors was loads and loads robots, and then they did not become.

it has blinked the eyes.

- No, you tell, from what you have taken it, what Demerzel - the robot? I,

The truth, not so is a lot of about it heard, but, how much I remember, robots - they

Metal, truly?

- Truly, - Rejch fairly admitted. - But only I still heard that were


it has furiously shaken a head.

- Legends! Foolish legends! Joe-Joe, and what for only we listen This...

- No, J. It, - has interrupted its Dzhoranum. - I wish to listen. I too Has heard about these legends.

- But same bosh, Joe-Joe!

- Do not hurry up to say a word "bosh". Let even so, after all people Live and perish for similar bosh. Has put not so much that is on

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