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Yes means, even if you do not think of it. When I only have arrived on

Mars, I was rewritten with the father. It was the accountant and so it and remained.

When he has died, the Earth was almost same as when he was born. It

Did not see any changes. One day was indistinguishable from other, to live for

It meant simply to while away time to the death. On Mars all differently. Here every day brings something new: the city grows, the system extends Ventilation, stretch a waterpipe from poles. Now we gather To organise own association of a newsreel. It will be called "A Martian press". If you did not live in such place, where all around

Continuously grows and varies, you never will understand, how it is remarkable.

No, Mars, of course, the severe both poor planet, and the Earth where is cosier, but

All the same, it seems to me, if you collect our children to the Earth, they will be

Are unfortunate. The majority, probably, also will not understand why, but they will be

To feel lost, lost and unnecessary. I am afraid that many And cannot get used to it.

it has turned away from a window, and the smooth pink skin on his forehead has gathered

In gloomy wrinkles.

- In that case, the commissioner, is a pity to me you. All of you.

- Why?

- Because I do not think, that you, Martians, could something

To change. And you, and inhabitants of the Moon and Venus. It happens yet today; can

To be, will pass as early as a year-two, maybe, even five. But it is very fast all

It is necessary to return to the Earth, if only...

Grey-haired eyebrows of Senkova have almost closed eyes.

- Well?

- If only you do not find other source of water, except a planet The Earth.

it has shaken a head.

- Hardly it will be possible to us, truly?

- Yes, perhaps.

- And other exit your way is not present?

- No.

After a while before it there was person Teda Long.

- You were right, the sonny, - has told Senkov. - They are powerless. Even those who

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Basic Icons for Vista Make your software look as nice as Vista with icons crafted in the same style

Business Icons for Vista Business Icons for Vista is a ready-made graphic solution, which is perfectly suited for a number of financial websites and programs. This collection contains all typical sizes in 256 and 32-bit color.

Toolbar Icon Set Toolbar Icon Set is a collection of royalty-free stock icons for use in any kind of programs and websites. A number of formats and sizes is available.

Software Toolbar Icons Software Toolbar Icons is a set of top-quality handcrafted images created by experienced artists for developers and webmasters. This icon pack covers a broad range of software-related topics.

Business Icon Set Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.