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Because of bad judgement of those who performs operation. I do not wish to risk.
- You mean what memoirs?
it has answered even more silently:
- Madam, I meant memoirs on my former partner the earth dweller
Ilajdzhe Bailey.
And Gledija stood, amazed while, at last, Deniel has shown the initiative
Also has given a signal that the door has opened.
Robot Zhiskar Riventlov expected in a drawing room. It has greeted it
With easy sensation of awkwardness what always tested at the sight of it.
It was primitive in comparison with Denielem. It was the obvious robot -
Metal, without any human expression on behalf of, its eyes in
To darkness flashed the red. It has been dressed, and Zhiskar had only illusion
Clothes, though also very good as made her Gledija.
- Greetings, Zhiskar, - has told it.
- Good evening, madam Gledija, - he has answered with easy bow.
it has recollected Ilajdzha Bailey's told very long time ago the words, and
Now they have as though rustled in its brain:
"Deniel will care of you. It will be your friend and the defender,
And you should be to it the friend - for the sake of me. And I want, that you obeyed
- . Let about it will be your adviser ".
it has frowned:
"Why it? I dislike it".
"I do not ask you to love it. I ask you to TRUST it".
And he has not wanted to tell, why.
it tried to trust robot Zhiskaru, but it was glad that it is not necessary for it
To try to love it. Something in it forced it to shudder.
it and Zhiskar were effective parts of its house many decades,
During which doctor Fastolf was considered as their official owner.
And only on the deathbed Hen Fastolf has really transmitted Deniela
And Zhiskara in possession of Gledii.
She has told then to the old man:
- One Denielja, Hen will suffice also. Vasily's your daughter, probably, wanted
To have Zhiskara. I am assured of it.
it silently lay in bed, having closed eyes, and looked such
Pacified, what Gledija never it saw. He has answered not at once, and
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