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When mine the father, the brother and I have appeared before court on charge in insults and threats, Smith has changed the indications. He has accused of the first fight not my brother Dzhoui, and other teenager who ostensibly has beaten him. It have unhooked. At first against the friend of my brother have brought charges, but later it has proved that in that weekend, on July, 4th, it was not in a city. In some days have dismissed charges against my father. Before court there was I one. Me have condemned for the insult action with aggravating circumstances and drawing of an irreparable damage of appearance of the victim. After the announcement of the decision of jurymen the lawyer has offered as punishment for me corrective jobs during five weekends in county prison, as I the student of college. Fortunately, the judge has rejected this offer and has given to me one year conditionally needlessly to be marked in Department on conditional punishments.

After that incident I remained with a criminal offence in the biography which has created to me difficulties in a way on the Chicago Commodity exchange later. I knew, it will undermine my chances of receipt of faculty of law though to me and said that this sort of incident not a criminal offence connected with moral perversity. However I have already suffered indignity handcuffs and a search with an undressing naked which have shown me a back of system of justice. Then I have felt for the first time that such bias.

Because of court I for two days was late at school to the beginning of football fight on a final year. I saw sights and heard whisper. "We thought that you in prison. We did not think that you will return", — told me the most impudent. At school where study about 3 000 teenagers, news extend quickly. I always heard any delirium about a mafia as I had an Italian surname and I from Chicago. However now, in the light of stories from columns of news about that fight, people supposed, what is it was the truth. Even more I angered that fact that I should bear a brand of the criminal for the rest of the life whereas Smith, the instigator of incident, has stood aside.

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Business Icon Set Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.

Large Money Icons Large Money Icons is a set of carefully drawn icons for use in commercial and personal projects, including software applications, websites, blogs and presentations. The icons present a bright color palette, and smooth edges.

Money Icon Set Money Icon Set is a collection of beautifully-crafted icons for use in business and personal projects and websites. Icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.

Phone Icon Library Save time on development of telephone projects and services and improve the usability and appearance of your next project with ready-made Phone Icons.

Love Icon Set Save on development of couple search Web sites and applications with pre-made Love Icon Set. The collection contains over sixty love icons and symbols.