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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Tags: mood icon, book icon os x, windows save icon, icon condo, dsorganize icon

I consider, for this reason it was so is exacting to us, especially to me, as to the senior. Each time when I did not justify its hopes, each time when he saw that I do something not -

78 it: BLOOD, SWEAT AND SLEZ/SUCCESS Ripened, or (that is even worse) to the detriment of itself, it snatched on me. And in the beginning of my next to last year when I played to a University team of Montini, it criticised me for each my game.

I remember one game in which I should come off and select a ball. When we have reached a lateral line, the guy already lay, therefore I have rushed back, to a fight line. The father has drawn aside me aside. "Hey, what you do? Run from here and get that guy". "But the daddy, it already lies".

"It does not excite me. I want, that these children knew that you here and are adjusted seriously".

At that moment on a football ground he thought that I was bought on this style of life of the succeeding America in which all of us shake hands and we behave as the best friends, trying to stick each other a knife into a back. To survive, you should be rigid. You should be on call. You never should allow to someone to think that you weak. You always the contender.

It was difficult to father to adapt to a suburban life after Levenvorta. The first job after conditional clearing to it was given by the person whom we have met on lake Geneva. It has employed the father to bypass groceries and to establish publicity boards. The father performed this job three or four months, regularly visiting the officer on conditional clearing, trying to do all under the instruction.

But at all gratitude of the father for this job he hated it every minute. I think, him disturbed that mum, working as the legal secretary, earned more it. That it was more important, the father demanding to respect, hated, as managers of shops addressed to it when he established publicity boards. They pointed a finger at it and shouted: "Hey, you. You cannot put it here". All this time the father was silent, trying to save job as it is possible longer. At last, the next manager of shop shaking with a finger at the fatherly person, has exhaust all patienced. This guy has begun it the father for what. The father has laid it with one blow and has finished the job.

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