Patient-Girl Icon
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Tags: desktop icons won t drag, icons are located, funny icons from, romantic love icons, nightmare before christmas icons
- From what follows...
It seemed, but, speaking in images, it is heated up within Solar system,
Where its concentration appears considerably above, than we assumed.
- So-so, - the senator has nodded. - and how many it is required to time,
That space within Solar system has reached balance? Probably,
The figure will be less than ten in the thirtieth degree?
- Much less, the sir. I think, even less than ten in the tenth degree.
On it something will leave about fifty billions years plus-minus two-three
- It is a little, but there is quite enough, it? And an occasion is anxious
Now at us is not present, it?
- No, the sir, I am afraid that is. Irreparable will occur long before that,
Interaction in our Universe with each instant becomes all
More strongly.
- So, what it gives in to measurement?
- Perhaps, no, the sir.
- Yes, the sir.
- So where an occasion to alarm?
- You see the sir, depends on degree of strong nuclear interaction
Speed, about what hydrogen in a solar nucleus turns to helium.
If interaction becomes stronger, at least even in the most insignificant measure,
Speed of merge of nucleuses of hydrogen and their transformation into nucleuses of helium in the Sun
Will increase already considerably. Balance between gravitation and radiation inside
The sun it is rather fragile and if to infringe it in favour of radiation, as now
We do...
- Also what?
- It will cause enormous explosion. Under laws of our Universe the such
Small star as our Sun, is incapable to become supernew. But if
They will be changed, it will cease to be impossible. And, how much I can
To judge, no prevention will exist. When process will reach
Critical point, the Sun will blow up, and in eight minutes after that we with
You we will cease to exist, and the Earth will turn to extending gas
- And to make anything it is impossible?
- If balance is already irreversible is infringed, anything. If yet
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