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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: money icon os x, dog paw icon, desktop icons tv, icons livejournal, black vista icon pack

However, now, when "Superlajt" two days was dragged in space with speed of a usual rocket, Krajla did not have resolutely any affairs, and he needed unless to look at the Sun. If they fly with such speed will reach the Near star through thirty five thousand years. And actually "Superlajt" gradually moved in the opposite direction. For this reason two days ago turned pale Tessa Vendel was close to despair. Till any moment all went smoothly. When the ship should enter into hyperspace, Krajl has strained, preparing for possible unpleasant sensations, and can be, even to an unexpected agony and death. But anything similar does not happen. All has occurred too fast that the person has had time to feel something. The ship has entered into hyperspace and in an imperceptible instant has returned to usual space. Stars have only flashed, on an insignificant fraction of a second have moved, but, and without having reached new positions in the sky, have returned on former items.

it has felt double simplification: first, it remained is live, and secondly, has understood that if transition has come to an end accident he would die instantly, and without having had time to feel anything. The simplification was so deep that Krajl almost has not paid attention to Tessu which something has shouted and has rushed to an engine room. Through any time confused Tessa has returned. Unseeing eyes she looked at Krajla and, appear, did not learn it.

- The arrangement of stars also should not vary, - she has told. - Should not?

- We have overcome only small distance. More truly, should move nearby. Only on a thousand share of light year. It is not enough of it approximately to notice changes in an arrangement of stars. But, - Tessa has deeply sighed, - all has come to an end not so badly as could. I was frightened that we have missed and have moved on thousand light years.

- And what, there was such danger?

- Certainly. If ship carrying over through hyperspace was not supervised, we could depart on distance and one light year, and several thousand light years.

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