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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: fuck love icon, myspca icons, fashion icon history, frederick forsyths icon, icon calage

So, we accept for an affirmative reply warmly, for negative it a cold. Now can ask questions. To begin with do such experience. Let it it we will name its assistant it will disappear from you behind enough extended wall: we will admit, leaves a room in a corridor, will make along a wall some steps and will stop. Thus from a room it is not visible to you, where exactly there is an assistant. Having entered into an emptiness status, slide a sight on a wall, and let your attention will concentrate in eyes. Having reached a certain site of a wall, you suddenly will feel in a hand a lung warmly: hence, the assistant has stopped in this place. Call it and check up reliability of the opening. For following experience the group of assistants is required to you. Hand over to one of them any small subject, let us assume, a lighter; on fair turn away it and let someone from assistants behind your back will clean it in a pocket. Now serially. Approach to each of them and, having realised "emptiness", detain attention to everyone. Warm in a hand will prompt to you at whom exactly is it the device. For the most meticulous I will specify: has no value what exactly is hidden it a lighter or an iron, it similarly and where it something is placed it in a pocket or for a cheek. Here that is really important, so this your status of consciousness. "Emptiness" means freedom not only from thoughts, but also from emotions. Hence, that the technics "worked", you should be truly passionless it even desire it to execute in this case is an obstacle. So, operate and do not worry about result. Last experience described by me, was repeatedly shown about hundred years ago by the well-known parapsychologist Volf Messin-gom, and always was enthusiastically perceived by public. As you can see, anything especially difficult in it is not present.

By the way, remember the important psychological postulate: that the psychotechnics "worked", it should be enough simple performed by. If in it it the treatise you are offered to rise on the left ear and a heel to scratch a nape know, all is a bluff whatever the author promised to you. I repeat, simple technicians work only.

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