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Tags: good icons, taken online now icons, x black icons, free icon cartoon, imageres dll icons

Soon I have learnt that my husband, the captain of the second rank Robert Relej Éåéòñ, has not suffered. I tried to encourage wives who did not know that Happens with their husbands, they are live or not. I tried to console widows, at Which have been killed husbands. And such was much. 2117 officers and private soldiers In fleet and in marines have been killed, and 960 were missing.

In the beginning I responded to phone calls lying in bed. And then I Began to respond to them sitting. At last, I have been so absorbed by affairs and It is raised that has forgotten about the weakness, has got up also villages for Table. Thanks to care of those who suffered more than I, it was possible to me To forget about the illness. Since then I spent in bed only eight The hours which have been taken away for a dream. Now I understand that, if Japanese not Have attacked Pearl Harbour, I on all life would remain half the invalid. It was pleasant to me to spend time in bed. Me constantly served, And, now to me it is clear that I involuntarily lost will to live, ability To struggle for the recover.

The attack to Pearl Harbour was one of the greatest tragedies in Stories of America, but for me personally it became one of most Significant events. This awful crisis I have given me forces, about which Did not dream any more. My attention has been distracted from own sufferings and It is concentrated to other people. It has given to my life deep and Considerable sense. I any more did not have time to think and care about To itself ".

Third of people which direct to psychiatrists behind the help, Probably, could recover if Margaret have followed the lead Éåéòñ. They would recover, if have taken a great interest in the help to another. My idea? It approximately that Charles Jung (1) has told. And who can know better it? He has told: "About third of my patients suffer not from clinically Diagnosed neurosis, and from senselessness and emptiness of their life ". Speaking in other words, they want, that someone "has brought up them", - but a life Passes by. And they hurry to the psychiatrist, complaining on limited, Senseless and useless life. Having been left in the basket, they stand on Landing stages, condemning everything, except itself, and demanding, that all world indulged them To egocentric desires.

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