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The capital, in new factories. But when later economists have looked back back, they

Have found out that successful merges led to reorganisation industrial and

Marketing operations of the companies-participants so that as a result there was something

Like the integrated system, instead of simply conglomerate. For realisation of the such

Reorganisation the plan, financial resources and strong management were required,

Capable to carry out plans. In a typical case all three components No. When D.P. Morgan in the end of 1890th years has joined this movement, it

The firm has eliminated these defects. In 1898 he has created company "Federal soldier Steel",

And the reorganisation plan provided sale of preference shares for

Financings of new factory. It also has represented itself as the guarantor of placing,

Having agreed to acquire all preference shares which will not redeem

Other principal shareholders or public. In board of directors Morgan's people

Watched fulfilment of plans. At last, Morgan used the extended

In the USA in the end of a XIX-th century on request of the British investors the British practice

Invitations for audit of accounts of corporation independent, "licensed"

Accountants - also it is possible not to doubt that the approaching have been selected

The accountant. Very much criticised American practice of issue of the exclusive

Shares it was similar to British practice of that time. Speaking about England, Kotrell

Describes, how as a result of adverse experience with shares of the industrial

The companies purchased in boom in first half 1870th years, usual Shares have acquired reputation of "too risky papers". Under usual shares

Has struck also "long-term decrease in profitableness of the English industry

From the middle 1870 to the middle of 1890th years ". Parallel decrease To profitableness of the American industry promoted distribution Trusts. Further, speaking about England, Kotrell marks:

For thirty years before the First World War type of the securities manufactured

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