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Tags: server icons, samsung a737 icon, kung fu panda icon, funny movie icons, sylpheed icon
In a XVIII-th century there was the numerous sub-proletariat which did not have means
For acquisition of the instruments of labour, not able them to use, not having
Possibilities to contain in an extent of long years of an apprenticeship, not
Possessing a personal contact which would open access to an apprenticeship, and
Money for its payment. The first factories frequently typed the workers
From the environment of this sub-proletariat, sometimes completely devastating the separate
Houses for the poor.
The businessmen getting new factories, and anybody did not assume other,
That they carry out shares of social charity or show
Example of social responsibility. But what were their moral
Intentions, their activity improved position defamed
Sub-proletariat which partly was, perhaps, a characteristic part
Movement of enclosing and great demand on agricultural production.
Reaction of English middle class to all it shows to us an exemplary example
Social pathology. Without having thought up within centuries anything the best for
Poor men than to practise on them - with due moderation and modesty -
Virtues of charity and compassion, a significant part of English
Middle class has apprehended factory system not as the essential social
Progress, but as ruthless operation of poor men. At once behind middle class
Significant part of the population. They considered themselves not as monopolists, which
At last have pressed, and victims of new and rather dishonest form of a competitiveness.
Literally all England divided the point of view of middle class and handicraftsmen.
It was impossible to think up the worst caricature on the validity.
3. The general effect on workers
If behaviour of the first factory hands, feet voting for factories,
Testified that cotton-mills improved their position, no
The bases to think that position of the home-workers losing has simultaneously improved
Work. Reduction of their incomes owing to development of new productions could
To go on advantage only to few lucky beggars. Quite probably that factories with
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