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Tags: icon for windows xp, cool icons com, icon to file, new xp icons, modem option globesurfer icon
I have looked back on my friends-students which amazement was approximately same. When I spoke, it sounded so as if the abrupt guy from a film speaks. When they spoke, it seemed to me a nasal sound it. All of us spoke in English, but it was obvious that dialects were different. "You from Ah-waist?", - they have asked me. - yes. I from Ai-tali "— have responded I.
By night of distinction between me and my friends-students became even more expressive if to speak about proportions of a bittern -
That alcohol. The sight or the remark of one of the parties became provocative. "The guy, I will deduce you from here, that it to you", — it someone in my direction.
To leave somewhere? I have thought. There, I that something to solve whence have arrived, anybody did not leave anywhere. "You should not leave anywhere", — I have responded. The roar also has begun on-chikagski.
When my father has arrived to come to see me for the first dinner of a brotherhood of fathers-children, I have stopped it below. "We should buy something", — I have told to it.
"Why? Unless you look bad?"
"A pas, look back around. I am not entered at all. It is awfully inconvenient me for the style."
The father has understood importance of the moment, and we have gone to buy direct jeans and shirts with a huge collar
My father became event for all it. I remember, how we sat round a table with my brothers on a brotherhood and their fathers who bragged: "Your grandfather was Fidji. I was Fidji. Now you Fidji, and I hope, in one of days your son becomes Fidji". When they have asked my father about its past, it has joked: "I was Whom? I was Fi Ghetto Scale". They liked my father for its humour and its kindliness. When it came me to come to see, he asked all my friends to whom to this weekend there did not come fathers that they had dinner together with us. For my father a commonplace to take to have dinner with themselves half-dozen guys.
In FiDzhi George, the captain of a soccer team who has come in De On under the soldier's bill about the rights became my named father. While its job consisted in looking after me and to learn me, how to be good "Fidji". We became friends. It even gave vent to me to the warm sufferings after its girl-friend Melani has left it soon after arrival to it in De On. Its broken heart was sincerely a pity to me, and I sympathised with it each time when he said to me that saw Melani talking to other guy. And I informed it if saw how Melani spoke or walked with somebody. I admit that I especially diligently reported on it on George if the guy from it was from those who was not pleasant to me. Certainly, my present motivation was to focus George's attention to it, instead of on my life.
"She talked to it?" — George asked.
"Yes, with it".
"You think, it has left to it?"
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