Red Pencil Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Tags: makeup icon, how change icon, loveheart icon, p910i icon, mac4lin icon
- How many it in inches? - Has interrupted its Ouens, - when we will enter in
Artery, we will undergo to complete effect of force of an arterial current.
- Not more fast mile at an o'clock, - Carter has told.
- Throw you this mile at an o'clock. We will move with a speed,
Corresponding to hundred thousand lengths of the ship a second. It corresponds at
Usual scales to movement with a speed of two hundred miles a second or something
In the speed, ten times it, than even astronauts ever moved.
At least...
- Undoubtedly, - Carter has told. - but that from this. Each blood
The little body in a blood stream moves with such speed, and the ship more it
Than a blood little body.
- No, it no more it! - Ouens has hotly exclaimed. - Red
The blood little body contains billion atoms, and "Proterus" will contain
Billions billions atoms in the same volume. Miniatjurizirovannyh atoms,
Certainly, but from it it is not easier. We will be made from immeasurably it
Numbers of parts, than a red blood little body, also we will be therefore less
The strong. Moreover, the red blood little body is in an environment
The atoms equal on the size by of what it consists, and we will be
To be in an environment consisting of atoms which to us will seem
- Whether you can answer me it, Max? - Carter has asked.
it has hemmed.
- I do not apply for were the same expert in questions
Miniaturizations, as captain Ouens. I believe that he means
James and Schwarz's message that with increase in degree of miniaturization
Fragility increases.
- Quite right, - Ouens has told.
- This increase gradual if you remember, both James and Schwarz
Have been compelled to make during the analysis a number of significant assumptions,
Which can seem not quite reasonable. Besides, when we
We increase an objective, they precisely not become less fragile.
- About, we never increased objects more than in 100 times, -
Ouens has scornfully answered, - and here we speak about miniaturization in
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