Egg Icon
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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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- Some of antibodies seem absolutely indifferent, - has noticed The grant. - they do not attack a bacterium.
- Antibodies are specific, - has explained Michelz. - Each of them
Is designed so that to join only a mosaic of the defined
Fiber kind. Now here the majority of antibodies though and not all, can
To join surrounding bacteria. Presence of bacteria of it
Kind stimulates fast formation of antibodies of this kind. As this
Stimulation is made, we yet do not know.
- My God my God! - Djuval has exclaimed. - Look at it!
One of bacteria was now closely packed in antibodies, which
Have closed up all its roughnesses so that it looked just the same, as well as
- They completely fit it, - the Bark has told.
- No, not that. You not simply see that intermolecular communications of molecules
Antibodies make on a bacterium of a certain sort pressure. It is impossible
To consider even in an electronic microscope which shows to us only
Lifeless objects.
Silence was established among a command "Proterusa" which passed
Now slowly by a bacterium. The coverlet, appear, was done of antibodies
Even more densely and more densely, and the bacterium was compressed. The coverlet again was condensed and
It was condensed, then again. And the bacterium suddenly was wrinkled and has given in.
Antibodies were strapped in one lump, at that, that was a core earlier,
Has turned to indistinctly outlined egg.
- They have killed a bacterium. They have literally knocked down it to death, - has told
She has shuddered.
- Surprisingly, - has murmured Djuval. - What tool for
We have researches on behalf of "Proterusa"...
- You are assured, what antibodies will not attack us? - Has asked the Grant.
- Similar on that, - Michelz has told. - We not that grade objects, for
Which are designed these antibodies.
- And you are assured? I think that they can be designed for
Any object if them accordingly to excite.
- I believe, you are right. Till now, obviously, we did not excite them.
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Business Icon Set. A collection of all-purpose icons with various symbols for the business environment for use with your software or on your website.
Standard Software Icons is set of colorful software-related icons carefully created by professional artists. This set is an ideal choice for navigation menus and toolbars of all sorts.
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Database Icon Set brings you lots of stylish and colorful icons for database software development. The images are provided in all the common icon sizes and file formats include BMP, ICO, GIF and PNG.