Salad Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: software development icon, my aim icons, www icon ly, icon in software, male celebrity icons
Bailey has found all it is confused and pushing away.
- It is faster art work, Mr. Bailey, - Fastalf has told. -
The present partner.
- She will have breakfast with us?
- No. As I spoke, we will be together. I asked it to remain on
Some time in the apartment. I do not wish to involve it in our problem.
You understand?
- Yes, certainly.
- Sit down, please.
One table has been forced by plates, cups and smart devices,
From which not all Baileys were familiar. In the centre there was a high
The cone-shaped cylinder reminding a huge chess pawn from the grey
Stone. Bailey, hardly having taken seat, it could not be kept not to touch it
Finger. It has smiled.
- It is the device for spices. It is supplied by the simple management allowing
To put exact quantity of any of ten various seasonings on any
Portion of dishes. Correctly to make it, a vessel throw up and execute
Intricate movements that in itself is senseless, but secular it
Rather appreciate it as a grace symbol with what the food will be submitted. When I
It was young, I could make three fingers threefold it and receive salt,
When the device will be knocked about my palm. Now, having tried it, I risk
To break a head to the visitor. I am assured that you will not take offence, if I not
I will begin to try.
- I insist, that you did not try, Dr. Fastalf.
One robot has delivered salad on a table, the second has brought a tray with the fruit
Juice, the third - bread and cheese, and the fourth - napkins. All four worked
In coordination, without facing and without any difficulties. Bailey
Dizzily watched them. They have simultaneously approached to a table with each
The parties, have then receded in a unison, have bowed in a unison, have turned
Together also have returned to the niches in the distant end of a room. Bailey suddenly
Has realised that Deniel and Zhiskar too here. He did not see, how they have entered. They
Stood in niches. It was in near.
- Now, when they have left, - Fastalf has told, has made a pause and is plaintive
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