Juice Icon
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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: os x changing icon, high resolution icons, despiced icon, my buddy icons, ig fpms ac be bibadmin images icons sw8 13
The underlying reason of events was that: with leaving of the general director the company board of directors has started to look for to it replacement. Each of eight talented chiefs of departments as it is peculiar to all people, hoped that council will search for a nominee in the company and that the choice will fall on it. However the board of directors has considered that the organisation cooks in own juice, and began to search for the new and capable person who would not be connected with the company an operational experience, business ties. The similar choice, according to board of directors, could inhale a new life in corporation. Council has invited as the director of the retired general, the excellent professional in which advantage impressing thirty-year career in armed forces spoke.
When eight elite has recovered from a shock and feebleness, they have reacted to the decision of board of directors anger and discontent squall, a target for which then there was a new general director. And as these eight engineers «played to one command» and followed a policy of the company, to give vent to the anger and discontent on board of directors they could not in any way. Moreover, as in this company it was not accepted to show at all discontent everything, including this eight, board of directors and the new general director, have decided that job will shortly return in it a track.
But soon these eight engineers, without conferring, without arranging and without counteracting in opened, have resorted to the widest spectrum of aggressive actions: to it to intrigues, evasion from job and barefaced revenge. Naturally, to these they have rendered an ill turn to job of the commands though at all to it did not aspire. Friendly smiles of each of them hid quickly saved insult concerning any decision lowered from above.
The situation even more became complicated that any of engineers did not wish to recognise that is annoyed. One of them has told to us later: «it is unconditional, I have nothing against the new director, is simple the matter is that all these types from army do not understand a business life». However it is not necessary to be the genius to read that is hidden between lines.
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