Cheese Icon
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Tags: windowblinds icon, fashion icons livejournal, cute love icon, baddass icon, new zeland icons
"Swiss cheese" assumes the activity beginning. But if you were comprehended by failure, show patience and wait for a next instant. Try to think up another "the task of immediate execution" and execute it.
Do not try to "eat away" twice same "hole" from "cheese". If you have tried to carry out "the task of immediate execution" and it has led you up a blind alley immediate search of other similar task should become the following your step.
Also remember: it is impossible to make "a Swiss cheese piece" of one "hole". It is required to carry out many "tasks of immediate execution" before your business "it-1" will type inertia of movement. "The Swiss cheese" method is attractive that has no value what "the task of immediate execution" you select.
It is important only, that:
1) it was a lung - the easier, the better;
2) it has been connected with "very heavy business"it-1".
Thus has no value degree of the contribution of this task in business realisation "it-1". The main thing - to set it in motion. Even insignificant efforts begin this movement.
"The Swiss cheese" method sometimes allows to make essential shifts even in realisation of the difficult project. After you have made ten "holes" in "very heavy business"it-1", you can find out with pleasure that the problem has appeared much easier, than you expected. Probably, you will find out, how it is possible to charge performance of this business to other person. Or you learn, how it is possible to reduce performance of this business. Or it will appear that job over this business is easy and delivers you pleasure. Perhaps, the only thing that from you is required - to break it your"very heavy"problem into quite"elevating"parts and after you"will lift"these separate parts, you without effort will manage to collect together the general design.
Last jerk
If you cannot force to be engaged in yourselves business "it-1", probably you should make a compromise with yourselves. We will admit, you have managed to evade today from "it-1". Before to pass to another matters, try to make last jerk to your main business. Look at hours and note time. Spend only five minutes on "it-1" and then do not touch it within the whole day. Any business you can sustain five minutes of employment!
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