Carrot Icon
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Tags: how to make icons in paint, donut icons, icons bitmap, change internet icon, free file icons
We will take it. That once their snotty cowards fathers and grandfathers were afraid
To keep the lukewarm planet, yet does not do their owners of water. Water
Belongs to all people where they were. We are people, means, water
And ours too. We have on it the right.
- And how you suggest it to collect? - Long has asked.
- Very simply! At them on the Earth the whole oceans of water. They cannot
To deliver on the watchman on each square mile! We can at any time,
When to us will take in head, to sit down on the night party of a planet, to fill all
Containers and to depart. I would like the nobility how they will prevent us?
- In ten methods, Mario. As you find containers in space on
Distance to hundred thousand miles? The thin metal case mislaid in
Boundless space? How? By means of a radar. Really you think that on
The Earth does not have a radar? Really you think, if on the Earth guess that we
We steal water, they there will not manage to establish a network of a radar and to find out
The coming nearer ships in space?
it with indignation has interrupted Long:
- Here that I to you will tell, Mario Rios. My husband never will be
To participate in extortionate touches, to extract water for the garbage
- Business not only in garbage trips, - Mario has told. - Tomorrow they
Will press us in all the rest. They need to be stopped now.
- Yes their water is not necessary to us, - Dora has told. - There and then not the Moon and not
Venus. Polar caps quite supply us with water. At us even in
To apartment there is a waterpipe. This quarter at all is.
- The least part of water is spent for personal needs, has told
- ? Water is necessary for them, and it would be time to us to grow up for itself fresh vegetables
Instead of this condensed rubbish which to us send from the Earth.
- Only listen to it, - has contemptiously thrown Dora. - That you
You understand in fresh vegetables? You never tried them.
- No, tried, and time and again! You remember, once I have got carrots?
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