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Tags: mfc system tray icon, developer toolbar icon, nanoha icon, icons window xp, get little icons
it has answered: "Yes".
-- I have executed biophysical research in academy, -
Has told Varnishes.
-- I know, - Morris has answered. - I read your article.
Good work. By the way, it is possible for me to name you David?
-- So my name is, - the earth dweller, - but has agreed now
All name me Varnishes.
In the meantime Bigmen has opened one of racks with
To light. Has then shrugged shoulders and has returned into place.
He has aggressively declared Morrisu: "you are not similar to the scientist".
-- I try, - without taking offence, Morris has answered. Is sometimes
Varnishes understood that he means. These days, when a science
Has got into all time of human company and culture, scientific
Could not be locked in the laboratories any more. On this
To the reason science Advice has been created. In the beginning he mused as
The advisory body helping the government in affairs
Galactic importance where only skilled scientists could
To present the information necessary for the reasonable decision. But
Gradually Advice more and more became the tool of struggle with
More and more power threads. And thanking its activity,
Probably, sometime there will be a great Empire of the Milky Way,
In which all people will live in peace also the consent.
And as councillors often had to execute
The functions far from a pure science, their success in particular depended
And from that, they how much are not similar to scientists - certainly, if
Thus they still had mind of the scientist.
Varnishes has told: "Be so kind as, the sir, tell to me
Details of local troubles ".
-- And what to you have told on the Earth?
-- It is a little. I would prefer, that the person of a science
Has told to me all.
it has ironically smiled. "The person of a science? Not so
Often it is necessary to hear it from officers from the centre. They
-- And as I, - have told Varnishes.
-- Your case is a little distinguished. We know, that you
Have achieved on Mars last year and as you have worked in
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