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Whether owe public control over productive means To be established by the constitutional way or violent overthrow The government being in power. Terms mean "planned economy" and "the general welfare state"
In language of economists and politicians not that other, as an ultimate goal of a socialism and
Communism. social
The warranties the worker represented by the state., removal of the social
Contradictions, maintenance of the general well-being. Three basic signs
The general welfare states: regulation of the private
Businesses, the modern state possesses
Possibilities of liquidation of defects of "old" capitalism, According to generated in the middle of the XX-th century in the USA concepts
The general welfare states and a high share of a state ownership introduction of the planned
Economy means replacement of plans of separate citizens with the state
Planning. Businessmen and capitalists will be deprived possibility
To use the capital under own discretion and will be compelled
Unconditionally to be arranged under plans of the central planning bodies. It
To equivalently transfer to the government of the control which is carried out by businessmen
And capitalists.
Hence, would be a serious error to consider a socialism, planned
Economy, the general welfare state, as such decision of a question about
The economic organisation of company which could be characterised as
"Less absolute", "less radical". The socialism and planning are not
Something contradicting communism, contrary to a popular belief. A socialist
Is more moderated, than the communist, unless that it does not transmit the confidential
Documents of the country to Russian agents also does not plan attempt at the bourgeois,
The communism incited against. This in itself essential enough
Distinction. But it does not extend at all on an ultimate goal
Political activity.
The third. Capitalism and a socialism are two various models public
The organisations. The private control over production assets and public
The control are concepts not only contradicting one another, but also it is simple
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