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Tags: black arrow icons, taskbar icon hide, icons pngs, change icon of an exe file, create icons in paint

Chapter 16

Personal negotiations

- Greetings, Dmitry. It is Vudi, in fifteen seconds I pass to a code two... Hallo, Dmitry, multiply codes four and five, extract a cubic root, add "it" in a square, approximate to whole and you will receive the necessary number. If only your computers are not faster than ours a million times - and I am absolutely assured that it not so, - that anybody never will decipher our conversation. Neither from your party, nor with mine.

By the way, mine still reliable sources report, as the next delegation did not manage to convince old man Andrey to leave from a post of the president of Academy. I laughed to tears - so Academies and it is necessary. I know. That to it for ninety and it becomes a little bit... It is obstinate. But advices I will not give, though I am the best expert in the world, is guilty, in Solar system on resignations of aged scientists.

Io is guilty, of course. "it" has decreased already to three thousand kilometres, and each some days any of local volcanoes throw out some megatons of sulphur in space. You saw films, but on them will not understand, what here a hell. With impatience I wait, when we from here will sail away - though the following stage will be, possibly, more dangerously... I flew by over Kilaua during eruption of 2006. It was a terrible show. But here it is immeasurably more terrible. Now we over night party Io, here are even worse. The present scorching heat. Some lakes of sulphur from heat are shone, but basically light is given by electric categories. The landscape as though blows up each some minutes as if it is lighted up by huge flashlight. It is not simple comparison: the current strength in the ionised channel between Jupiter and Io reaches millions amperes, and often there is a breakdown. So the greatest lightnings in Solar system, and our safety locks are received, naturally, there and then work.

Right after arrivals I have understood that Io reminds something to me. Recollected two days, has then contacted archive - the onboard library has not helped. You remember "the Lord of rings"? Yes, Io is Mordor. Glance in the third part of the novel. There the rivers of the fused stone which coil are described "... And then stiffen and lie, as if the hardened dragons who have been cast out by the exhausted earth". This exact description: it has made it for quarter of the century before eyes human have seen a surface of Io. So that all the same initially - Art or the Nature?. It is good that though it is not necessary to sit down there. Probably, in the future somebody it will make: here there are rather stable plots which are not filled in with streams of sulphur.

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