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Standard Transport IconsPerfect Doctor IconsToolbar Icons for Windows 7

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Query Icon Images

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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Ready-Made Application Graphics Make Developing Software Faster

Perfect Toolbar Icons are available for $99.95, and deliver 460 toolbar icons in numerous versions, sizes, color resolutions, and file formats. At around 21 cents per image, the value of this XP icon set is hard to beat!

Ready-made icons are a modern standard for rapid software development. Providing significant savings over custom-made toolbar icons or outsourced graphics, stock graphics not only make application development less expensive, but accelerate the delivery of the final product. With an estimated cost of around $20 to $100 per image for custom-made graphics, ready-made icons offer savings calculated in orders of magnitude with costs of under a hundred dollars for several hundred application icons.

Perfect Toolbar Icons made by Aha-Soft are offered for $99.95, and include 460 icons in a variety of versions, sizes, color depths, and file formats. At around 21 cents per icon, the cost/benefit ratio of this XP icon set is hard to beat!

Perfect Toolbar Icons help software developers speed up the development and lower development costs significantly. Offered as a readily available icon set for XP, the Perfect Toolbar Icons set is royalty free and instantly available for preview and purchase.

Perfect Toolbar Icons have graphics to depict objects, symbols and actions commonly found in typical Windows applications. The XP icon set provides the following application icons among many others: Computer icon, Folder icons, Search icon, Add icons, Printer icon, User icons, Delete icons, Exit icon, Up And Down icons, Lock Windows icon, Up Folder icon, and Windows Book icon. Most icons are designed in the new Windows Vista style, although a few XP-style icons are also provided: the XP Delete icon, XP Search icon, and XP Help icon.

The icon set for XP and Vista applications makes products developed for these operating systems look professional and consistent throughout. The entire set of XP icons is designed as a matching collection sharing common style, gamma and colors among the three hundred icons. Your order gets you icons in all sizes, styles, and resolutions required for a modern application. True Color, alpha-channel and 256-color images are supplied, and sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels are supplied with every order. Graphics in all three states, normal, disabled, and highlighted, are provided. To speed up integration with Web and Windows applications, each order deliversicons in Windows icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG formats.

The entire XP icon set is available for instant preview at

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You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

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Military Icon Set Plenty of military icons from our Military Icon Set will make your application's interface look more modern and engaging. The images are delivered in GIF, ICO, BMP and PNG file formats.

Security Software Icons Security Software Icons is a collection of professionally-crafted ready icons for use in business and personal products, including software applications, websites and presentations. The icons present a marvelous color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges.

Free Business Desktop Icons Free Business Desktop Icons is a collection of 10 stock icons to be used in commercial and personal projects, such as software applications, websites, blogs, and desktops. The images are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.

Perfect Security Icons Perfect Security Icons is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons to be used in business and private products, including presentations, websites and software applications.

Dating Web Icons Quicken creation of online dating Web sites and software with pre-made Dating Web Icons. The collection contains more than fifty love icons in numerous sizes and file formats.