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Image sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Web Design Layout

has been shown in studies that people often find all that flash and bling to be vexing and distracting. Having six to eight frames on a page only causes misunderstanding if not done right. Make it simple and try to not drive your web visitors funny.

When it comes to site design, sticking with what is straightforward and straight-forward is usually the best. While you may wish to Wow your readership with surprisingly flashing, spinning graphics, fight the urge. It has been shown in studies that folks customarily find all that flash and bling to be irritating and distracting. Having 6 to 8 frames on a page only causes bewilderment if not done properly. Keep it simple and try to not drive your web visitors funny.

The hottest layout is the 3-column model, because it works really well. You'll find that many good websites have this layout with categories running down the left and updates, advertising and such like running down the right. While this could appear to be a bit uninteresting, readers like it as it is straightforward, straight-forward and straightforward to navigate.

Whitespace is another function of a good layout. Allowing for the reader to have space to rest their eyes is a bonus for most designs. White space is as important as the layout itself.

Graphics should be used to improve the layout as elements that add to what is written on the page. It should be used as an extension of the text and should lend to further lucidity about the subject. Graphics shouldn't overtake what is being conveyed ; it should only help to make the content clear.

Using Fonts

There's a standard for fonts that have worked well since prior to the internet started. In print design, newspapers and magazines, the fusion of Serif types for announcements and San-Serif type for text has always worked well.

This doesn't carry over to the web where Sans-serif fonts are the finest choice because they are less difficult to read on the screen. Up until recently monitor resolution hasn't been that high, and if you use serif type fonts for text, it would blur together making reading more difficult. If you're planning on offering a print-friendly page, you need to use print design fonts ( i.e. Serif for announcements and Sans-serif for text ).

The second thing to remember about using fonts is to limit the number of fonts you put on one page. Keep it simple - two, maybe three fonts at most. Good website design is straightforward to read. You can use some ornamental type font, but it will take away from the message you are attempting to convey. Standard font families are best, and even with the new high-spec monitors, you must stick with Sans-serif fonts wherever possible.

In web design, the most well liked fonts include Geneva, Arial, Verdana and Helvetica. They're easy-to-read, Sans-serif and excellent for all internet site designs.

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You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

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Classic Hardware Icon Set Hardware Icon Set is a pack of hardware related images, distributed in GIF, PNG, BMP and ICO formats and 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32 sizes. The collection contains both 32-bit and 256-color icons.

Web Icon Library Your web site will look more modern and attractive with Web Icon Library. Color schemes include 8-bit formats and Windows XP. Available sizes are 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48.

Delicious Love Icons Speed up creation of online dating Web sites and software using ready-made Delicious Love Icon Set. The pack contains over sixty love images and represents lots of symbols and objects typical to Web sites about human relationships.

Perfect Science Icons Labaratory software and Web-site developers will truly value this hard-to-find pack of scientific images. Providing nuerous symbols and objects used in all the areas of science and engineering, Perfect Science Icons are a great value.

i-Commerce Icon Set A variety of high quality icons to enchance an interface of your commercial Web sites.