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The reason of civil wars in a XVII-th century. In England the right to allocate the trading
The company exclusive authorities caused enmity between the king and
Parliament, - also it was a question not that monopolies are harmful, and about the one to whom will be
To belong this right. In France the history has chosen other way. Kings have received
Possibility to establish taxes without the consent of General states, they
Have released the nobility and church of taxes, and those have shattered French
The national market on thirty or more regional markets with the help
Internal tariffs and infinite distributions of local exclusive privileges to cities
And to guilds - and the French bourgeoises were their voluntary allies in it. In
The end of the ends, the French economy created by them has appeared a suitable scene
For destruction of a monarchy during the French revolution, but by then
The Middle Ages have passed for a long time.
Medieval technology
It seems that disappearance of technologies as a result of barbarous invasions and
Gains of Rome was a consequence of that during bad times have simply disappeared
The markets of fancies. The continuity element has been more strongly expressed in East
Roman empire which, gradually weakening, has existed till 1453. But
In the Mediterranean communications between East and Western empires never completely
Did not cease, here again the Roman technologies were saved.
On the iron-wares, which else during the Roman period were specialisation
Northern Europe, strong reduction of demand was not. In long run, brigandage
And wars after empire falling should raise significance of iron.
The horse horseshoes invented by Romans never went out of use. With
VIII till XIII century production of iron items gradually extended in
- , Corinth, Franconia, Westphalia, Swabia, Hungary, in Basksky
Provinces, in many areas of France and in England. In XIV century has been invented
Drive from a water-mill to furs of melting forges.
In VIII century founders have started to pour bronze church bells. Through five
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