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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: disney aim buddy icons, to get cool icons, unused icons, title bar icons, how to make a animated icon

Part II. It in your organisation

6. A management

«To me it is necessary in to become perfect the expert to other field of activity».

Hardly probable there passes at least week without that regiments of the bookshop nearest to us were not decorated by the next impressive best seller on new style of a management. This education in the field of leadership alternately head that general it power stations acute business gurus, and each of them results the examples, states the philosophy and offers the recipes of success. Many of these books — useful and interesting editions, however in the majority they do not settle a problem essence as practically all of them express the idea of leadership in the form of the formula, called to approach all and everyone as though it is possible to express this concept in the form of a certain universal spell.

Besides, many authors lose sight of such aspect of a problem, as actions of people which leaders should conduct behind themselves. In the politician there is such statement: «If the people move behind itself, politicians will follow it». The Same is fair and for the business world.

But the main difficulty consists that — the phenomena so difficult that them it is impossible to lay behaviour of the person and its contacts to associates in frameworks of any general approach. As to it it helps us to solve better a management problem as allows to learn how the psychological type of the leader influences activity of the head (sometimes even defines it) and on what style of leadership you are programmed. The variety of types of the person causes also variety of styles, motives and ideas in the field of management.

At the same time it the potential does not depend at all only that you will rely on strengths of the type of the person. Moreover, even the most outstanding people can suffer failures as leaders, leaning against the same skills and abilities which have allowed them to achieve high position.

We take for an example of the former American presidents, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Nixon, on the type hardly probable not classical INTJ, derived strength from within, from the ideas and strategy, and also in the ability to distinguish and analyze difficult situations. According to many historians, Nixon was the most acute figure in the field of foreign policy of the USA of second half of twentieth century. But the same properties of type of the person of Nixon thanks to which it has towered, have led to its falling: it is not excluded that its requirement to pass all data through itself and its unwillingness to consider personal relations have involved it in atmosphere of privacy and prospecting intrigues because of which it has lost the power.

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