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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: steering wheel icon, gif icon pack, 32 degrees icon x starter paintball, fashion icon images, 2000 icon pack

This statement sounds so improbably that I consider myself Obliged to try to explain it, having quoted approximately two pages From the remarkable book of the doctor of Adler "That for you should mean Life ". (By the way, you should read this book necessarily.)

"The melancholy, - tells Adler in the book" That for you should mean The life ", - is similar to the concealed anger and the reproach directed against Associates though the patient, to provide to itself leaving, liking And support, it is represented only suppressed by own fault. The first memoirs of the patient look approximately so: "I remember that to me It would be desirable to lay down on a couch, but on it my brother lay. I have lifted such shout, That it had to rise from it ".

Melancholiacs happen more often are inclined to revenging for itself, Having committed suicide, and the first of what the doctor, it not should take care To give to them of an occasion to suicide. Personally I try to weaken the general Intensity, offering them as the first rule at treatment: "Never Do anything what you would not like ". It looks very modestly, But I consider, what is it mentions an essence of all problem. If the melancholiac Has possibility to do everything that it would like, whom it can To accuse? For what it should revenge? "If you would like to go to theatre, - I speak to it, - or to go to have a rest, and arrive. If on the way You will feel that to you was ceased to want, do not do it ". This most The best position in which somebody could appear. It gives Satisfaction to aspiration of the patient to the superiority. It is similar to god and Can do everything that it is necessary for it. On the other hand, it is not so easy It is entered in its style of life. He wishes to dominate and accuse others, And if they agree with it there is no possibility over them to dominate. It The rule is the big help, and among my patients was not One case of suicide.

Usually the patient responds: "But me it would be desirable to do nothing". I already It was prepared for this answer because heard it many times. "Then not Do anything that it is not pleasant to you ", - I speak. Sometimes, however, The patient responds: "I would like to lie all the day long in bed". I I know that if I will resolve, it will not want to do any more it. I know, That if I will prevent, it will make scandal. I always agree.

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