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 Fire Toolbar Icons

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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: icon tray bar, pimp my icon, the icon in waldorf, icon paintball guns, create icon file from jpg


It has turned to other and has said:

- I will leave and I will talk to the woman if she speaks on something clear.


- I think, - Bliss has sharply told, - that we too should leave. This The woman looks absolutely harmless, furthermore I wish to knead feet,

To take a breath of planet air, and it is possible, to agree about local products. I

I want, that Follom again felt on the earth, and I think that the Saw It will be pleasant to study this woman close.

- What? To me? - Pilorat has reddened. - at all is not present, Bliss, but I after all

The linguist of our small group.

it has shrugged shoulders.

- Then we will go all. But, though it looks quite harmless, I I am going to prevail the weapon with myself.

- I doubt, - Bliss has told, - that you will want to test it on To this young woman.

it has grinned.

- It is attractive, truly?

It left the ship the first. Afterwards there was Bliss, one hand embracing

- , and Pilorat brought up the rear.

The dark-haired young woman continued to examine them with interest. It has not receded on inch.

- Well, we will try, - has muttered Treviz.

Having cleaned a hand from the weapon, he has said:

- I welcome you.

The woman for an instant has mused, and then has told:

- I welcome you and your companions.

it has joyfully exclaimed:

- Amazingly! She speaks on Classical Galactic and with Correct accent.

- I too have understood it, - Treviz has told, showing to hand movement that it

The understanding was partial. - I Hope, she understands me.

Smiling and trying to look friendly, he has told:

- We have come from space. From other world.

- It is good, - the young woman the pure soprano has told. - yours The ship from Empire?

- It has come from a far star and "the Far Star" is called.

The woman has looked at an inscription by the ship.

- She speaks about it? If it so, and if the first letter it it, Means, it is written on the contrary.

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Transport Icon Set Transport Icon Set is a professional collection that includes transport and traffic themed images, available in the following formats: 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.

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