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Financial Icon Library for Vista
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 Financial Icon Library for Vista

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Personal Loan with Shadow icon
Personal Loan with Shadow Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: malin images, dukes of hazzard images, www images okut com, icons turning black, sarcoidosis image

Hastes (the great commander did not wish to tyre soldiers), has approached to small river at

Of small settlement Gavgamela, Ptolemej has paid attention that an arch of the low

Hills from the north resembled chariot redock - it. Written down in

Annals of a campaign the nickname of a millenium confused later historians: on the southern

To road, in two hundred stages from Gavgamely, between empty plain and rocks There was a strengthening of Arbila.

Alexander has given three-day rest of the army which have passed any more one

One thousand stages. Horse travelling delivered captives. Scouts informed About a huge congestion of an enemy cavalry which gathered a cloud of all in Several it. Alexander did not hurry up. He wished to put Definitive blow of all army of Persians instead of to chase on the infinite

To plains behind its separate groups. If Dary does not understand that was necessary

Resolutely to battle at Euphrates, if it by an example of the ancestors

Hopes for large number of the hordes the better. The destiny will be decided in it

To fight. For Macedonians anyway for defeat means itdestruction of all Armies.

- Unless it would be impossible to recede? - Has asked attentively listening

The hetera. - Have escaped ten thousand it soldiers approximately from the same


- You mean "Anabazis Ksenofonta"? Then the Greek mercenaries Receded, without being are surrounded by enemies, moreover so numerous, as Persians under Gavgameloj.

- Means, danger was great?

- Very much. In case of defeat - death or slavery to all of us.

The huge congestion of a cavalry before camp of Macedonians has amazed and

Has frightened the most skilled soldiers. From apart grey phantoms the fighting loomed

The elephants for the first time met by Macedonians. The gilt sparkled on the sun

The reservation and spears "Immortal" - personal guards of Darija passing it is closely

Close system on surprisingly high horses. On motley clothes the skilled

The great river of Asia Oksosa. It seemed that the horde will be carried by by a storm, and under

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